Naruto way of the ninja
Naruto way of the ninja

The way it was spoken would have lead most people to assume that it didn't really matter, but the Hokage knew differently.

naruto way of the ninja

"Uhuru-sensei kicked me out." came the reply. it was just unnatural.Īfter a moments of quiet contemplation, the blonde's expression shifted to amused resignation. No child's gaze should hold such jadedeness, such world-weariness. The Hokage's amsusement faded at the eyes staring back down at him. There were a few terse moments of silence before branches shifted, revealing a messy mop of blonde hair peaking down at him. "Shouldn't you be in class right now?" he called out.

naruto way of the ninja

His keen eyes found what he sought almost immediately, softening in slight bemusement. "As nice as it is to sit and enjoy the nice weather we're having," He arrived at the tree's base, staring upwards into the large dark foliage above his head. The one considered the strongest in the village had received many a greeting and kind word from passersby, but as he neared the old tree several meters away from the road, his eyes saddened at what he knew awaited him there. Eventually his steps led him off the beaten path, just inside the village gates to a small section of trees off the edge of the road. He'd also had the pleasure of chatting up the lovely Nakamura twins while they were one their way to the women's bath (hee!). He'd shared a lovely conversation with Mister and Misses Takeda who were out for their morning walk.

naruto way of the ninja

With his paperwork for the day finished early, he was able to avail himself of the gorgeous weather and mingle with the people of his village. Sarutobi absolutely loved days like this.

Naruto way of the ninja